English Version

CLOSURE DAYS Wednesday & Chinese New Year's Eve The outdoor spaces remain open as usual. Additional announcement will be made in case of special events. OUTDOOR AREA Open year-round Lights off at 22:00 Subject to closure in special events with additional announcements. OPENING HOURS 10:00-18:00 Weekends & Holidays
english version map
DRIVING DIRECTIONS ● Route 1 Take Freeway No.5 to the Luodong Exit and continue straight. At the intersection of Section 2, Wenxing Road, make a right turn, then continue straight until you reach Provincial Highway No.9, where you will make another right turn. ● Route 2 Head towards Luodong from Yilan, continue straight along Highway 9 (Section 2, Zhongzheng Road), then turn left before reaching the Yilan Motor Vehicles Office. BUS Take Capital Bus, Kamalan Bus, MTC Bus, or Kuo-Kuang Motor Transport and disembark at the Luodong Transfer Station. Take one of the city buses below to the Chung Hsing Cultural and Creative Park stop. ● Kuo-Kuang Motor Transportation l Red2(Weekends only) ● Kuo-Kuang Motor Transportation l 1766(Weekdays only) ● Capital Bus l 1572 ● Kamalan Bus l 621 RAILWAY ● Route 1 Disembark the train at Luodong Station and exit from the back of the station. Take one of the below city buses to the Chung Hsing Cultural and Creative Park stop. ● Route 2 Take the train to Zhongli Station and walk along Zhongli Road for about 10 minutes.
Parking Information
SMALL PASSENGER VEHICLES NT$30/hr Additional charge for overnight parking. MOTORCYCLES NT$20 per Entry Additional charge for overnight parking. LARGE PASSENGER VEHICLES NT$100 per Entry Additional charge for overnight parking. BICYCLES Free of Charge
Event & Exhibitional Spaces Information Center A Green House B Nylon Lodge C Nylon Square D Exhibition Warehouse A Paper Factory Chimney B Steam Locomotive Square C Bulidings & Facilities Building No.01 01 Building No.04 04 Park No.05 05 Warehouse No.11 11 Warehouse No.12 12 Warehouse No.13 13 Warehouse No.14 14 Building No.16 16 Warehouse No.18 18 Building No.19 19 Buildings Group No.23 23 Building No.24 24 Building No.25 25 Warehouse No.26 26 Buildings Group No.29 29 Buildings Group No.36 36 Building No.39 39 Warehouse No.46 46 Building No.47 47 Warehouse No.48 48 Warehouse No.49 49 Space No.53 53 Building No.54 54 Space No.55 55 Building No.56 56 Media Center 57 57 Building No.61 61 Warehouse No.103 103 Warehouse No.104 104 Warehouse No.105 105 55 11 12 13 14 57 39 53 01 36 49 16 104 47 46 48 04 05 61 54 56 29 105 24 18 26 19 25 C A F B E G D H 23 103
The Chung Hsing Paper Factory, established in 1935, was the world's first paper mill to successfully produce pulp from bagasse and silver grass fibers. It primarily manufactured newsprint and specialized papers such as banknote and tissue paper. At its peak, it was the largest paper mill in Taiwan and the leading producer in Southeast Asia. In 1959, the company was transformed into a state-owned enterprise and renamed Taiwan Chung Hsing Paper Corporation. In 2001, the paper mill ceased operations and was closed down. After a period of abandonment, the Yilan County government took over in 2014. Through the preservation and restoration of its industrial structures, it has been transformed into a hub for creative and cultural industries. THE PAST Chung Hsing Cultural and Creative Park currently focuses on four major development areas: talent incubation, industry support, artistic creation, and cultural space, aiming to create a comprehensive cultural and creative park. Adhering to the spirit of Yilan cultural creativity, the park continues to launch annual themed exhibitions, providing a platform for startups and promoting the integration of art and technology. Visitors can not only stroll and appreciate the unique historical atmosphere of the park but also experience cultural innovation and vitality through artistic creation. THE PRESENT